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Jonathan - What makes a good Death Metal band?
Aaron - Really that's up to the person who is listening. I'd say for us, it is any band doing something fast, technical and unique.
Jonathan - What's your opinion of the DIY movement?
Aaron - I think it's really helping artists continue to move forward. It seems that more established bands are starting to represent themselves instead of going with label support, and it seems to be working for them, bands like Cryptopsy and vital remains for example are just doing super amazing.
Jonathan - I really believe the only passionate way to do music is with your heart. But sometimes hard times and trouble can get in the way. Why is it so important for you to be in a band and do you have any funny stories to tell?
Aaron - I'm in a band with my best friends which seems to make it easy even when we have to take a break, we had been on hiatus for 2 years. We got asked to get back together for 2 shows, one in Montreal and one in Ottawa. Then shit just got back on track and here we are.
Jonathan - What's the origin of the band name, Killitorous?
Aaron - When MSN existed it was my screen name...metal+pussy=hilarious
Jonathan - Have you changed the band's name before?
Aaron - Never. ever. i'd rather spend 20 years in the desert.
Jonathan - Who are your major influences? Or do you just write what you like and that is the result?
Aaron - Tim and Eric, awesome show great job! Newgrounds(about 8 years ago when the content was still amazing), Ace Ventura, Gary Busey, Mike Tyson.
Jonathan - How long have you all known each other?
Aaron - So long.
Jonathan - How did you meet?
Aaron - I met Milky when I was in high school, he was a roadie...same with Mark, he was in another band screaming called Body Harvest(About ten years ago.) I was in another band and we met Eric at a show when he was a young boy. Nick Miller is the same story, BUT we saw him play about 3 years ago and wanted to steal him ever since.

Aaron - 5 years ago I had just left my old band(today i caught the plague) and was bored as fuck, Milky lived down the street, and couldn't play guitar very well, so I taught him how to shred bass. Thus the band was formed.
Jonathan - What inspired you to make music together?
Aaron - Boredome, and I had written 4 songs...mostly boredome. Milky also really wanted to be in a band and not just working for a band.
Jonathan - Which songs do you perform most frequently?
Aaron - 1-Carving a totem pole a top blood mountain whilst enslaving the local mountain-folk population as cattle...or 2-Fecal Fellatio seem to be the fan favs.
Jonathan - Do you ever play any covers?
Aaron - Nope.
Jonathan - Who writes your songs?
Aaron - All of us write everything, everyone has their own job in the process, but Eric and myself put the "final filters" on the songs.
What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs?
Jonathan - Do you think these topics will change over time?
Aaron - Yes.
Jonathan - Could you briefly describe the music-making process?
Aaron - I usually come up with a basic idea for a song, then one of the guys and myself work on it until we have something more precise we like and then Eric and I jam the song out. Over and over until we can show the guys a finished "song".
Jonathan - What are your rehearsals generally like? Do you have a set time each week in which you practice or are rehearsals more spontaneous?Aaron - Set time everyweek we usually jam at the JAM SPOT in Ottawa. This consists of Prince Igor, Old Mill, Devil's Lettuce, Jam.
Jonathan - How has your music evolved since you first began playing music together?
Aaron - We just know how to play together because we have been for so long, we have been working on our album for 5 years...
Jonathan - What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?Aaron - Learning how to play all this shit properly...
Jonathan - What advice do you have for people who want to form their own bands?
Aaron - Write what you can play. Thats the only rule.
Jonathan - For those who don’t know you, How can fans-to-be gain access to your music? Do you have a website with sample songs or a demo CD?
Aaron - Check us out on facebook "Killitorous" -
Check Killitorous on tour January 2013 on "TECH TOUR 5000" in Ontario and Quebec in Canada!
If any of you are fans of Death Metal and really want to support the underground scene, check out these guys and show them some respect!
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