Thursday, February 14, 2019

Interview with Harry Bryan of CxBxFxIxHxFxLxFxRxE (United Kingdom)

Here we are with the fifth edition of Sick Fest 2019, it’s happening on June 1st 2019. The edition contains the band from various extreme genres, from grindcore to death metal to hardcore. Bands from Mexico, Japan, India, UK and Nepal are coming together to make this sickness more infectious. So mark your calendar and spread the news. Early bird tickets are priced at 1000 Nrs and that comes with a exclusive gift and the door price is 1500 Nrs. Please read out the short info about bands who are confirmed to play in this edition, also visit their official links to like their page and to listen their music. 

"Bands often think that once they make a demo and put it online, their inbox will be full of gig offers"

Listen the band here - CxBxFxIxHxFxLxFxRxE

Eumsn -  First of all, thanks a lot for choosing to play in Nepal next. So what are you really looking forward to from Nepali supporters?
Harry - Ah, you needn't thank us, we are very interested to travel to Nepal, and so far we have already received a lot of support online from people based in Nepal. We've been surprised at the level of interest in the band, so it'll be really good to meet people in real life who we've got to know on Facebook, and to see what kind of atmosphere the shows have in Nepal. We'll also be playing shows in India of course, thanks to Vishal and his network of contacts. If anyone wants to take us to a brutal gym and pump some iron with us, let us know, that would be much appreciated (the more raw the better).

Eumsn - Can I get a short biography on band? And what is the meaning of CxBxFxIxHxFxRxe means to the band?
Harry - Yeah the band formed more or less by accident. We were planning to make a kind of goregrind band in which I (Harry) was to play guitar, and another guy we know was going to play drums (later on he was the drummer for Dzhumagaliev and Somnumapnoea). We were talking with a vocalist from Bristol, but at that time Sean wasn't able to play drums in the project so it left Carlos and myself wondering what to do. Neither of us were really proficient in playing, but we decided to do the best we could. According to some it has been one misfortune after another since then, but we carry on.

Catastrophic Blunt Force Intracranial Haemorrhage Fluid Leaking from Ruptured Eardrums.

Eumsn - What lyrical themes do you use in your songs? Gore, horror, politics, anti-religion etc.
Harry - Well we don't have any lyrics so while this makes for a poor answer, it is nothing if not honest. The only religion we endorse is the Church of the Subgenius (spiritual enlightenment guaranteed or triple your money back).

Eumsn - How it feels to be in a Underground band? And what’s your suggestions to other Underground bands?
Harry - Our suggestion would be to learn how to play your instruments properly unless you want to sound like us. Bands often think that once they make a demo and put it online, their inbox will be full of gig offers and messages from people wanting to release an album with them. It's never really like this, being in an underground band is like one long, grueling trek up a faeces covered mountain holding hand over hand onto a shitty, slippery rope. It can be rewarding, but maybe better just to watch Netflix and peruse X-Videos from time to time. For those who really want to tour and play festivals with an underground noise band, be prepared for a lot of set backs, a lot of disinterest and, maybe, just maybe, if you put the work in, a lot of genuinely rewarding moments. The people you meet in this scene are often borderline insane, but they can be incredibly generous, helpful and the friendships you'll make along the way will almost certainly make all the time and effort worth it. Being in this scene isn't for everyone, but those who truly love it and who dedicate themselves to it can have some unique experiences and make some unforgettable tours in a lot of crazy places.

Eumsn - In general, extreme metal isn't appreciated by society. What do you have to say about this?
Harry - Well yeah, for good reason. I mean listen to it. Would your parents really want to listen to this? Would anyone with a sound mind? I don't know. There's certainly something to be said for a link between mental health issues and the enjoyment of blast beats. Perhaps one day there will be a clinical study of this, but until then we must draw our own conclusions.

Eumsn - What is your opinion on the current state of extreme underground music?
Harry - Hard to say, I mean, in some places it is thriving and really alive, in others it is almost completely dead. Some “extreme” music like black metal or some kinds of hardcore seem to be very popular still, and others (like, for example, noisegrind) will pretty much always be obscure and poorly received. This is no issue though, we just do our own thing and when you do meet people that like these sounds, it makes it that little bit more special. Another plus is that often when people go missing in this scene their families never bother reporting it to the police, so with a little time and effort you could theoretically abduct quite a number of people without much risk of detection by the authorities.

Eumsn - Can you recommend to us some good bands from your place for our readers?
HarryAh, not really. The UK doesn't really have any goregrind bands at the moment, I am sad to report. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I haven't come across any others of late. I should give a special mention to Gout, but the scene is far more interesting in Europe, for example the goregrind scene in Budapest is really nice, or further East you have some great bands in St. Petersberg, Russia. Meat Spreader are a fantastic band based in the UK, but I feel a little disingenuous naming them seeing as none of their members are English. Still, a very nice band who we've been fortunate enough to play with, and we're lucky in the United Kingdom to have them based in London, at least for the time being.

Eumsn - Do you remember the feeling of your first show with CxBxFxIxHxFxLxFxRxE? and how did the crowd reacted to your first show?
Harry - Mostly they reacted with bewilderment, or annoyance with how loud everything was. Some of the audience stayed to the end, but most covered their eats (a wise choice, I must say). We felt the gig went well enough, for a first show. The gig itself was in Camden, London, at a venue we like a lot called The Black Heart, and I believe a somewhat overweight woman asked if she could urinate on my face (I declined).  I remember it was also perhaps the only show in which I performed wearing trousers.

Eumsn - What do you hate in the current underground scene?
Harry - The lack of old school goregrind bands, I suppose, and the prevalence of “groovy goregrind.” Some of that stuff is okay, we all appreciate the older CBT material and bands that play in that style, but there is just far too much tupa tupa around calling itself “genuine goregrind.” Genuine goregrind is something of a rarity now, championed by older bands like Pulmonary Fibrosis, who use many blast beats and no pig squealing vocals. Check out bands like Parfumerie from Canada, or Inopexia from Russia. If more bands were around that sounded like this, the scene would be way better. To be clear, we don't sound like this, but that's more through lack of musical skill than by design.

Eumsn - Lastly, a space for you to share anything Eumsn has forgotten to ask. Please share your thoughts.
Harry - No, no, I think you were quite thorough. Thank you for your questions, your interest in the band and for all your support. There are those who dislike our band either because we sound awful or because we've allegedly kidnapped multiple people, but to them I can say just that A: taste in music (and anti-music) is subjective, and B: there's not a shred of evidence to support those accusations. Give praise to “Bob”, listen to old school goregrind and watch Bojack.

Come out to catch the band live at Sick Fest V on 1st of June 2019. All bands merchs, event merchs and early bird tickets will be available in our store at Satdobato or call us at 9808195039 or 9808994835.

*** Eumsn book shows for bands, organizes gigs, manages tours etc. Contact us at our facebook page or email us at or 

#eumsn #extremeyourself 

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