Thursday, February 21, 2019

Interview with Guillaume Béry of Pulmonary Fibrosis (France)

An exclusive interview with Guyome PxFx.

Visit Pulmonary Fibrosis here. 

Suchu - What are you doing nowadays?
Guyome : Hi, well i’m tired haha. Working everyday in my job & week-end are full of music & party.

Suchu - Can I get the story of your band or a short biography? What is the meaning of Pulmonary Fibrosis to the band?
Guyome : Well, we started in 1998 as a 2 pieces noisegrindgore band, we released a demo & the first pro release was our split EP/Tape with Ulcerrohea. We had several line-up changes, many split cd’s, tapes, compilations & our first album « Organ Maggots » was recorded in 2006 & released in 2007 by Last House On The Right Rec. Our singer & great friend Pascal hanged himself & we were all shoked. In 2008 we used to change the line-up, still releasing lot of split & the 2nd album was released in 2011 on Mierdas prod in Mexico. In 2014 we started to record our 3rd album & it was released at the beginning of 2016 on Rotten Roll Rex Rec in Germany. Since 1998 we played many changes in Europe, Ukraine, Russia, several times in Brazil, South America, Mexico & Japan. Our name is a lung disease & was taken from a Malignant Tumour song who appeard on their split with Squash Bowels.

Suchu - What are the lyrical themes you use in your song? Gore, horror, politics, anti religion etc.
Guyome : We don’t have any lyrics, only screams & growls. Sometimes we use to sing the song’s name, our old singer Pascal used to sing his own language. But we are mostly into medical stuff, we also like to use different themes on our split, like gore & horrors movies influences.

Suchu - Which bands have influenced your band the most?
Guyome : LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY is the main influence so far. Then bands like Carcass, Haemorrhage, Agathocles, Malignant Tumour, Regurgitate, Cock and Ball Torture & many others.

Suchu - What are the future plan of Pulmonary Fibrosis? Do you have like any tour, releases or recordings? 
Guyome : This year we have some great shows in Czech Republic, France, Germany, Belgium, Uk  Spain. We still have some split on the way & we hope to do our first clip at the end of this year. In 2018 we will celebrate our 20 years anniversary & we will be back in South America. 

Suchu - How it feels to be in an Underground band? And for how many years you are in this scene?
Guyome : Haha, i don’t know really, we just like to play sick music & people like our stuff. We have lot of pleasure to play with great bands, visiting countries & discover new culture. As i told you we started in 1998, so in 2018 we will celebrate our 20 years, it will be the 10 years of the same line-up too. But once again with our singer, Adrien had a car accident with his wife & daughter, so he had to stop music for now, we really hope to see him back with us asap. Actually, our friends Simon & Fred help us as singer & sometimes as guitarist.

Suchu - How do you feel about the classifications in metal? Like deathcore, metalcore and other subgenres?
Guyome : Well i’m really more into goregrind, but the true one with vocal effects. About metal, i’m into oldschool, metalcore & deathcore aren’t metal for me. But i like brutal death, black metal, doom, dark, etc…in the oldschool way.

Suchu - In general term metal isn't appreciated by Society what do you have to say on this?
Guyome : Metal is a middle class music, that was the fact till 2000 i think, since few years it seems to be a trend as many actual bands use to mix different style like brutal & soft music ; so you can now listen metal on very well known radios & tv clip. As well people from all classes are listening metal now, that’s a good & bad point. But about th grindcore scene, that still underground as it must to be, we are still shoking people.

Suchu - What is your opinion on sites posting Underground Materials?
Guyome : That’s the internet life, you can’t go against, they’re still people to do that. I’m not from the mp3 generation so i still buy records, supporting bands & i hate mp3.

Suchu - Ok, what do you want to tell to those peoples who rip off the band’s hard work and illegally download their music?
Guyome : There will still have people to do that, that’s the way of internet. Our 3rd album wasn’t released & it was already in full streaming. But true underground people buy or trade stuff & in anyway that’s good to be heard.

Suchu - Beside Pulmonary Fibrosis do you have any other projects? If then, Can you tell us about those projects in few words?
Guyome : Yeah i’m very busy with other projects since a longtime. I also play drums in Embryopathia & The Bottle Doom Lazy Band mostly, Baptized In Vaginal Liquid stopped due to lake of time. I played drums on different project like Clotpump, for Mixomatosis. I do noise in Corporal Abuse since 2001 too & i started to do shows. I also have my DIY label called Cataleptic Remains Prod, right now i mostly co-release stuffs & organize show, i did some fest like the Loches en Grind & a very underground one when i have time called the Underground fest. Since a year i play guitar in Rotten, an oldschool death metal band and i’m the owner of The Cripple Room, a studio were i do recording, mixing & mastering undergound bands.

Suchu - How hard is it surviving in underground Scene?
Guyome : It’s not hard to survive, it’s mostly harder to find place to play. Underground is for passion, helping bands on tour & meet new bands is still great.

Suchu - What is your opinion on the current state of underground metal?
Guyome : The actual underground metal scene is getting worse & worse. People & bands just want to be famous & getting money, if they loose too much they stop to play or they don’t want to travel too much for nothing. Music is a passion & you have to do it with your guts & heart, being true with yourself & the public.

Suchu - Which is the album you want to take to your grave?

Guyome : LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY « The Sound of Rancid Juices Sloshing Around Your Coffin ». That was my first goregrind album with « Anatomical Inferno » from Haemorrhage that i surely could bring if i could too haha.

Suchu - Can you recommend us some good bands from your country for our readers?
Guyome : Blue Holocaust, Vomi Noir, Unsu, Defecal Of Gerbe, Savage Annihilation, Inhumate, Blockheads, Depraved, Faxe, Pendrak, Lardon, Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition & many more.

Suchu - Support Underground Metal, how much you agree on this quote?
Guyome : All bands come from the underground, so you have to support it & then some are better than other or just record better music.

Suchu - Where do our readers can buy albums and merchandise or listen to Pulmonary Fibrosis?
Guyome : They can buy stuff from us directly or at shows. They can also buy stuff from our labels Rotten Roll Rex Rec, Grindfather Prod & other grind labels mostly on the web & at shows.

Suchu - Do you remember your first show with Pulmonary Fibrosis, How was it and how did the crowd reacted to your first show?
Guyome : That was a day where we celebrate music in France, so everyone can play, mostly outside. We played just few songs because our first drummer was to shy in the front of people, there was almost only friends & it was funny. It was in a small village so no lot of people & mostly friends who knew us, so not really surprise.

Suchu - Metal Fans from Nepal doesn't have a proper way to reach your records and any other such bands, Is there an easy way so we can also get the hold of CDs, shirts etc.
Guyome : The best way is to buy records on the web or directly to the bands, and of course at shows. There is no other best way i guess.

Suchu - Do you have any plans to come to Kathmandu (Nepal) in coming days? Guyome : Well, i’m in contact with Vishal Vof from the Nepal Deathfest since few years & we still talking about our coming, so we need to fix it asap, we need to come and having fun with you all.
Suchu - What do you hate in Underground Metal? Like, anything.
Guyome : The young bands & people who want to play for lot of money because they released a demo & of course they don’t support underground.

Suchu - Your dream metal fest line up.
Guyome : Well, we already played with almost all our influences & idols haha. But i think i will bring the old time bands, like Carcass, Napalm Death, Last Days Of Humanity, Agathocles, Cock and Ball Torture, Haemorrhage, Regurgitate, Dead Infection, Cannibal Corpse & adding Yearning for the symphonic & depressive beautiful music.

Suchu - Quick top 5 albums we must have in our collection.
Guyome : 1.) Last Days Of Humanity « The Sound Of Rancid Juices Sloshing Around your Coffin ", 2.) Haemorrhage « Grume ». 3.) Carcass « Reek of Putrefaction » 4.) Regurgitate « Effortless Regurgitation of Bright Red Blood » and 5.) Dead Infection «  A Chapter of Accidents »

Suchu - Lastly, a space for you anything EUMSN have forgotten to ask you can tell us here?
Guyome : Well, thanx a lot for your nice interview, thanx to the EUMSN readers & true underground supporters from Nepal. We hope to come soon & meet you all to have fun. Thanx again for the support, cheers !!

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